موقع ثقافي تعليمي

The psition of Haider Al-Attas

The position of Haider Al-Attas

In his last interview with Hadramout Chanel , Haider Abu Bakr Al-Attas, advisor of the President .of the Presidency Council, the former Prime Minister, Haider Abu Bakr Al-Attas showed positive signs towards the South. He said: The role of the (Hadramout Inclusive Conference), led by Al-Bahsani, Vice President of (the Southern Transitional Council), must be revived and activated, as it is the sole representative of the people of Hadramout. this indictes that he is walking in the line of Al-Bahsani and against the small projects in Hadramout. In Another paragraph he affirmes that (the Southern Transitional Council), must expand participation in its bodies in accordance to the political, economic and demographic weight of each Governarate of the South. This is a sign from Al-Attas that the (the Southern Transitional Council) is the sole representative of the people of the south and the de-facto authority.

In Another paragraph about the Southern-Southern Dialogue Conference, Al-Attas said that the Southern-Southern Dialogue Conference has British support and three other important countries support. Moreover, this is a sign that the Southern Transitional Council enjoys international support in its decisions and directions. These are good and important signs, and a response to the advocates of dividing the South and establishing small projects in Hadramout.

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